Apply for UK migration route for Nigerian, other African teachers

The UK is providing migration route for trained teachers from Africa and elsewhere willing to work in schools across the UK.

From 1 February 2023, teachers who qualified in the following 9 countries will also be able to apply to TRA for qualified teacher status (QTS):

Qualified teacher status (QTS) is the professional status teachers in England gain at the end of their teacher training.

Teachers who qualified outside the UK can work in English schools for up to 4 years without QTS. However, obtaining QTS will make it easier for you to find work and develop your career as a teacher.

This is because:

Qualifications and experience you’ll need to be eligible to become a teacher in the UK

To apply for assessment only QTS, you do not need a formal teacher training qualification.

However, you must have:

A GCSE is an academic qualification awarded for examinations in England, usually taken at age 16.

Apply for teacher training in England

All non-UK citizens can apply to train to teach in England. Train to teach in England non-UK applicants explains the academic qualifications and visa you’ll need, and how to apply for a teacher training course.

When you apply for a teacher training course in England leading to QTS you’ll:

Salaries and benefits of UK teachers

All qualified teachers will have a starting salary of at least £28,000. This will be higher for teachers working in London.

Qualified teacher salary

Your school will have their own pay scales for qualified teachers. Pay increases will always be linked to performance, not length of service, and will be reviewed every year.

The teacher pay scales for qualified teachers are:

England (excluding London)£28,000£38,810
London fringe£29,344£40,083
Outer London£32,407£43,193
Inner London£34,502£44,756

Most established teachers will earn more than this maximum by progressing onto the upper pay range for teachers, or by becoming a leading practitioner.

If you’re not sure whether you’ll be teaching in inner, outer or the fringe of London, talk to your school.

Upper pay range for teachers

If you can demonstrate excellence against all of the teacher standards, you can be put onto the upper pay range for teachers.

This is for teachers who make a sustained and substantial contribution to their school.

The upper pay ranges for teachers are:

England (excluding London)£40,625£43,685
London fringe£41,858£44,919
Outer London£44,687£48,055
Inner London£49,320£53,482

Leading practitioner salaries

If you’re an established and exceptional teacher, and regularly show the highest standards of classroom teaching, you can be put onto a higher pay scale.

Although they may not lead departments, leading practitioners coach and mentor other teachers and induct trainees and early career teachers (ECTs).

The teacher pay scales for leading practitioners are:

England (excluding London)£44,523£67,685
London fringe£45,749£68,913
Outer London£48,055£71,220
Inner London£52,936£76,104

Headteacher salaries

A headteacher is the most senior person in a school. They are ultimately responsible for all teachers and pupils.

Their role is wide ranging, but includes leading and motivating teachers, and ensuring all pupils get a good education.

The salary ranges for headteachers are:

England (excluding London)£50,122£123,057
London fringe£51,347£124,274
Outer London£53,637£126,539
Inner London£58,501£131,353

Other payments

You might also get extra payments for taking on extra responsibilities.

These payments are called ‘teaching and learning responsibility’ (TLR) payments. The extra responsibilities you might take on are:

TLR 1£8,706£14,732
TLR 2£3,017£7,368

Unqualified teacher salaries

Many schools in England require teachers to have ‘qualified teacher status’ (QTS). If you do not have this, you can work in some schools as an unqualified teacher.

The unqualified teacher salary ranges are:

England (excluding London)£19,340£30,172
London fringe£20,594£31,421
Outer London£22,924£33,759
Inner London£24,254£35,081

How to Apply

Qualified teachers who trained to teach outside of England who want to apply for qualified teacher status (QTS) to teach in English schools and meet the minimum eligibility requirements can START HERE.

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